
Jul 21, 2016

Excellerations Spatial Relations Playset

Excelerations Spatial Relations Playset

Build 3D scenes based on 2D pattern cards. Excellerations Spatial Relations Playset is a favorite activity of mine. I've used this one a lot and most have been receptive.

Looking at the pattern, individuals will have to decide what is behind, in front of, and next to what. The 20 pattern cards are made of heavy card stock and have held up well. The patterns advance in difficulty and are numbered for quick sorting. They start out with 3 pieces to a scene and work up to all 6 pieces. Each tray has three groves and the pieces are easy to place in the grooves and easy to take out.  The pieces are paper on wood and have held up well. There are enough pieces for four people to work at the same time.

Try this:
  • Use consistent positional terms such as front, middle, back, in front of, behind, next to, etc.
  • Make a scene on a base and let the child copy yours if it is difficult building from a 2D model.
  • Let the child make up his own picture and describe it to you in positional terms.
  • Make up your own scenes and ask questions such as 1) What is behind the bushes?; 2) Where is the cat?; 3) What it next to the house?
  • Prop the card in a slot on one of the empty bases so that it stands upright if the individual has trouble building from the card flat on the table.
  • Turn the six pieces over (no picture on the back) and ask the individual to identify the pieces by shape only.
  • Ask the individual if his finished scene is correct. Check the piece locations one by one with the pattern card. Guide the individual to help him identify the incorrect pieces and how to correct them without giving him the answers outright.
  • Put one piece in a board to start. Then give verbal directions for the remaining pieces. For instance, place the house in the middle then say "Put the car next to the house" and "Put the trees behind the house", etc.
  • Work on spatial relations, visual discrimination, visual memory, visual closure, figure ground, manual dexterity, coordinated use of both hands, executive functioning skills, process skills, play exploration and participation
In the box: 4 grooved bases, 4 sets of 6 pieces (tree, bush, house, boy, cat, car), 20 pattern cards.
1-4 players

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