
Jul 29, 2016

Say Cheese! Dice Game

Say Cheese! Dice Game - 25 pattern cards and 8 custom dice

Say Cheese! Dice Game takes place at the county fair. Eight friends, a cat and a dog went to the fair and took a total of 50 pictures in the photo booth. Two of these individuals are pictured on each of the game cards. The top and bottom picture on each card are the same two individuals, just in different poses, like you would get in a strip of pictures from a photo booth.

There are eight custom dice and each die shows five different faces that match the faces on the cards and one star, a wildcard that can stand in for any face. Each character on the cards has a different color hair, and the hair color will be the color of the face on the die.

This game plays fairly quickly because of the star (wild card). As a matter of face, Say Cheese! Dice Game is just one from a series called 12 Minute Games.

Have the most cards after all cards have been claimed.

Set up:
Shuffle the cards and place them in a face-down pile on the table. Give each player two dice.

Flip the top card face-up. All players play at the same time, throwing their dice
and hoping to be the first to match the two faces on the card (one on each die). Throw the dice over and over, until you match the two faces. You can also throw one face and a star or two stars to make a match. If only one die comes up correctly, both must be re-thrown. Whoever throws a match first gets the card. Each player counts his cards after all cards have been claimed. The player with the most cards is the winner.

Try this:
  • Throw both dice. If you match one, leave it on the table and only throw the remaining die until you get the second match.
  • Practice cupping the hand before starting the game. If the individual has trouble cupping the hand, place a small ball in the hand to help form it. Remove the ball while keeping the hand in position. 
  • Cup both hands and place one on top of the other to shake the dice.
  • Skip the game, just throw the dice to match each card. Keep the hands in a cupped shape just a little longer by counting to 10 before the dice can be thrown or listening a few seconds as the dice "dance".
  • Set 2 dice on the table, line up multiple different cards behind them, and ask the individual to choose the card that matches the dice.
  • Show the card, memorize what you will be looking for, turn the card over so the pattern can no longer be seen, play. Once you think you have a match, turn the card over and see if you are right.
  • Lay a card in front of the individual and then place the 2 dice in the palm of his dominant hand. Ask him to bring each die, one at a time, to the fingertips and rotate it until it matches a character from the card. Place it on the table. Try not to drop any. 
  • Work on palmar arch development, in-hand manipulation, manual dexterity, distal rotation, visual discrimination, visual memory, socialization skills, executive functioning skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: 25 cards, 8 custom dice

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below to go to

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