
Feb 15, 2017


Blink - You going to have to be flexible.

It's called Blink because the box says it's the world's fastest game.  It's also a great matching game that requires you to be able to look at multiple attributes at the same time, a workout for mental flexibility.

There are 60 cards and on each card will be colored shapes. There are six different shapes, six different colors, and each card can have from one to five shapes on it (see images below). 

Be the first to play all of your cards.

Set up:
Place two cards, face up, on the table. Deal the rest of the cards evenly between the players, face-down. 

Someone says go and the game starts. Each player picks up five cards from his pile and fans them in their hand. The goal is to make matches as fast as you can so that you can use all your cards before your opponent. Each player can play on either (both) pile while making matches. 

To make a match, you can either match the color, the shape, or the number of shapes on the card. For instance, look at the example below. The card on top of the pile is 3 blue raindrops. You can either play 1) any blue card, no matter what the shape or number, 2) any raindrop card, no matter what the color or number, or 3) any card with three shapes, no matter what the color or shape. 

Sometimes you get stuck if you don't have any matches and you will have to wait while others play until something you can match gets played. Sometimes both players get stuck. When this happens, each player picks up three new cards and adds them to their hand and the game resumes. Whoever plays all his cards first is the winner.

Try this:
  • Sort cards in piles by one attribute at a time, such as sort by the six shapes, then sort by color, then sort by how many symbols are on the card (number). If you do this first, it might give the individual a better idea of how the matching works.
  • Hold the deck in your non-dominant hand as you sort. Push the top card off with your thumb and place it on a pile with your dominant hand.
  • Work on processing speed by playing alone. Time yourself on your first game. Then play again and try to beat that speed. Each time you play, try to shave off a few seconds and play a little bit faster.
  • Skip the speed. Some people do worse under time pressure.
  • Practice fanning the cards by pushing each one away with the thumb.
  • Place the cards face-up randomly on the table. Give the player one card and ask him to find three cards that would match: one for shape, one for color, one for number. Play until there are no more sets left.
  • Work on visual discrimination, visual form constancy, manual dexterity, in-hand manipulation, coordinated use of both hands, shuffling/fanning/holding/dealing cards, executive functioning skills, mental flexibility, socialization skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: 60 symbol cards

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below to go to

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