
Jul 22, 2016


Hoppers - A one-person spatial logic game
Hoppers is a peg jumping game for one person. Set the frogs up on the pond according to one of the challenge cards. Then start jumping over frogs and removing them as you go, until only the red frog is left in the pond.

The challenge cards are numbered 1-40 and increase in difficulty as the numbers go up. Cards are rated beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert. Card number one requires three moves to complete, and card number 40 requires nine moves to complete. The lower number cards start out with fewer frogs on the board than the higher number cards. The solution is on the back of each card, just follow the alphabet order to see the order for the frog jumps. 

All the pieces fit snugly into the plastic blue box (pond) and the lid slides shut, so it is easily carried.

If you would like to read more about one-person logic puzzles, check out my post What's in Your Therapy Box? Logic Puzzles Edition

Try this:
  • Simplify the game for beginners. Make all the moves but the last one, let the individual make the last move. Then make all the moves except for the last two, let the individual make the last two moves. And so on. Adjust as the individual makes progress.
  • Take all the pieces off the board and start over if the player gets too far off base and can't remember the moves to back up.
  • Use as a simple spatial pattern activity. Show the individual a card and ask him to put the frogs in the positions on the card. Don't play the game.
  • Look at the back of the card and ask the individual to follow your directions. Give him the coordinates, one at a time, to play the game. Or let him look at the card and follow the directions.
  • Pick up several frogs, one at a time squirreling them into the palm. Then bring them, one at a time, to the fingertips and place on the board during set up.
  • Work on spatial relations, manual dexterity, executive functioning skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation, in-hand manipulation, pincer grasp, logic, problem solving
    In the box (pond): 40 challenge cards, 11 green frogs, 1 red frog
    Ages 5+, 1 player

If you are interested in buying this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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