
Jul 27, 2016

Hangman Riddles

Hangman Riddles - Learn about the 5 senses

A simple approach to sensory and body awareness. Read the nineteen page Doctor, Doctor book, which focuses on sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

Follow that up with riddles about different body parts including ears, stomach, arms, feet, head, fingers, lungs, chest, neck, brain, and elbows. Each riddle card has three clues at the top and a riddle at the bottom (see image below). Here is an example:

1. You have two of us.
2. You cover us when it is cold.
3. We help you to hear.

Riddle: You have one of us on each side of your head. We help you hear everything that is said.

There is also a simple dry erase hangman game card that you can use for a game of hangman if you are working on spelling or writing (below right, bottom). You just use one of the riddle cards and give as many clues as you want and the individual guesses the answer by playing a game of hangman. 

The storybook on the left (purple) does not detach. The pieces on the right are held in by attached plastic. It closes like a book but there is no latch to keep it closed.

Try this:
  • Give clues one at a time and ask the individual to make a guess after each clue until the answer is deduced.
  • Divide the riddle at the bottom into two or three separate clues.
  • Point to the body part(s) as you talk about it. Repeat the word for the body part(s) and ask the individual to do the same.
  • Talk about one sense at a time and have some practical things to try related to it. For instance, when you talk about smell, have several things ready to smell and talk about each one. Ask the individual to close their eyes and identify some of them. Name your favorite and least favorite smells. Use different words to describe different smells, such as flowery, pungent, smokey, etc.
  • Let the individual guess one letter for the hangman game after each clue.
  • Work on sensory and body awareness, learning body parts, manual dexterity, in-hand manipulation, deductive reasoning, efficient grasp, visual discrimination, spatial relations, visual closure, process skills, executive functioning skills
In the book: Storybook about five senses, 26 riddle cards, dry erase hangman board 
If you are interested in purchasing this or just want more information, click on the image below.

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