
Jun 6, 2016

Match It! Money

Match-It Money Puzzles
Money Match-It Puzzle is another kid-friendly educational tool in a line of Match-It puzzles from The Learning Journey. Each puzzle is made up of two pieces and pieces will not fit together if it is an incorrect match (self-correcting). Each puzzle piece has either a tab or a blank on one side, and the other three sides are straight (see image above). The pieces are thicker than your average jigsaw puzzle piece and a completed puzzle (two pieces) measures approximately 3" X 6".

There are six puzzles that are $1 and change but there are no bills pictured, only change. The rest of the puzzles (24) are below $1 (see examples on box above). Tip: It is easier to add up coins on the coin side and flip through the pictures looking for the picture with the ¢ match than it is to choose a picture with the ¢ match and look for the matching coins. The second way you will have to add coins over and over again as you look at for the right combination. 

Try this:
  • Have change nearby and count out exact change after completing a puzzle.
  • Have change nearby and count out change using different coins after completing a puzzle, such as three dimes instead of the quarter and nickel that are pictured.
  • Pick up coins while counting, squirreling each coin into the palm and holding them all in one hand.
  • Put the correct change in the individuals hand and ask him to count it out onto the table, moving one coin at a time to the fingertips before dropping.
  • Sort a number of coins into a row, tails-down. Ask the individual to turn all coins heads up. Pick each coin off the flat surface and turn in one hand before replacing in the line.
  • Have change nearby and ask the individual to choose an item he would like to save for. Ask him to pick up the coins that he will need, one at a time, and squirrel them in the palm. Then ask him to place them one at a time in a piggy bank. Emphasize the importance of saving.
  • Place the pieces at different angles on the table. After the individual picks up a piece, ask him to turn it in-hand to put it in the correct orientation.
  • Work on money skills, visual discrimination, visual closure, manual dexterity, in-hand manipulation, counting change, play exploration and participation 
In the box: 30 two-piece puzzles (60 pieces total)
Ages 6+

If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

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