
Aug 11, 2016


Zoofari - CandyLand-type animal-themed game

What do you get when you cross a trip to the zoo with a safari? Why a Zoofari of course! This is a fun, colorful game that is a lot like CandyLand, but with a whimsical, animal theme. With no dice, no spinner and no reading, this can be a beginner's game.

Below you will see a picture of the game board and examples of the cards. You will advance along the colorful path in hopes of being the first person to make it to the Zoofari in the top left hand corner. On each turn, you will draw a card and what you see on the card will determine how far forward, or backward, you will move on that turn. The game board also has a number of pitfalls or lucky moves, such as the swingin' monkey vine, the log bridge, and the snake pit. The board is quite busy and has lots of colors and graphics.

The back of the box showing the game board and samples of the cards.

Be the first person to arrive at the Flamingo Oasis for the Zoofari at the end of the path.
Set up:
Place the board on the table and place the cards, face-down in a stack by the board. each player chooses and places a marker around the word START at the bottom of the board.

Players take turns. Pick one card from the pile. You will move along the colorful path as indicated on the card. The three possible options for moving are as follows:
  1. One colored square - Advance forward to the first square of that color.
  2. Two colored squares - Advance forward to the second square of that color.
  3. Animal picture - Move your marker to the space on the board that has the same picture. It may be backward, or it may be forward.
If you happen to land on a pitfall or lucky move, follow the instructions on the board.

Play until someone reaches the Zoofari and wins the game.

Try this:
  • Take out the animal picture cards for a shorter game, since animal cards may cause you to move backward.
  • Start with cards with only one colored square if the individual gets confused with so many options.
  • Ask the individual to pick the top card off the stack on each turn without sliding any other cards off the deck. Sometimes I only use half a deck if the individual has trouble with this.
  • Track the path with your finger before starting so the individual can see the curves and direction of play. If they lose track during the game, do it again. The board is very busy.
  • Use another marker with a distinct front and back. I use little character figures that I have from other games. I make sure the character is always pointing forward after a turn for kids that can remember which direction to travel.
  • Forget the game, just sort the cards. Take the animal pictures out of the deck. Then put the rest of the cards in a pile, face up, in front of the individual. Place a card with one square to the left of the stack and a card with two squares to the right of the stack. Separate and lift one card at a time from the stack and place it on the matching side. Or leave the animal cards in and sort to three piles.
  • Work on visual discrimination, in-hand manipulation, spatial relations, figure ground, socialization skills, process skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation

In the box: Game board, 72 playing cards, 4 animal markers
Ages 3-8, 2 to 4 players

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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