
Sep 20, 2016

Froggy Boogie

Froggy Boogie -Different take on a memory game

With a combination race-to-the-finish memory challenge, Froggy Boogie promises a hoppin' good time.

The pieces are all wood and brightly painted and it's hard to resist a pond full of whimsical frogs. Each of the round frog faces will hold two eyes. Half of the eyes are white on the bottom and half of them have a small frog painted on the bottom. There are two dice that have a single color on each side that match the colors on the frog faces.

Blue Orange produces quality products and their games hold up very well, including the boxes. They plant two trees for every one used in the manufacturing of their products. 

Be the first baby frog to hop all the way around the pond.

Set up:
Place the white eyes into the adult frog faces. Each frog gets an eye that is blank on the bottom and one that has a baby frog painted on it. Once the eyes have been placed on the frog faces, you cannot tell which one is which. Place the adult frog faces in a grouping where all can reach. Then place the lily pads around the frogs, with the largest lily pad at the beginning. All the baby frogs (players) should place their markers on the large lily pad to start.

Players take turns. Throw the two color dice. Take the combination that comes up, for instance purple and yellow, and look for the adult frog with those colors. Once you find it, lift ONE of his eyes. If it is blank you have managed to sneak by, move ahead one lily pad. If it has a baby frog printed on it, the baby frog has been caught and will stay where he is. Stay where you are and your turn ends. Try to remember which eye is blank for each adult frog so that when you throw a combination that has already been thrown, you will know which eye to pick to move forward. First one to the end of the lily pad path is the winner.

Try this:
  • Prompt the individual to remember which side is which on the eyes so if they come back to that particular frog they will choose the blank side. Not prompting may result in just casually "seeing", not actually trying to remember.
  • Place the frogs on the table. One at a time, place an eye in the individual's palm and ask him to bring it to the fingertips and rotate it to place in a frog's face while setting up. Then place both eyes for one frog and ask the individual to bring them, one at a time, to orient and place on the frog.
  • State whether you will be picking up the right or left eye before doing so to work on left-right.
  • Cup both hands, squeeze the fingers together and hold. Alternate between placing the hands side-by-side with placing one over the top while shaking the dice.
  • Choose one of the frogs and turn one of the eyes around so the white is showing in front. Ask the child to keep shaking the dice until the frog winks at him to motivate the child to hold the hands in that position longer. Turn the pupil back toward the front after 10 or 15 seconds and say the frog is winking.
  • Start cleaning up by asking the individual to cup his hands side-by-side and hold them tight. Drop one eye at a time into his hands to keep them in that position longer. Can he hold them all?
  • Work on visual discrimination, spatial relations, visual memory, eye-hand coordination, in-hand manipulation, manual dexterity, palmar arch development, socialization skills, process skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation 
In the box:6 baby frogs, 9 adult frogs, 18 eyes, large water lily, 11 small water lilies, 2 dice
Ages 4+, 2-4 players

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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