
Sep 6, 2016

Teen Talk in a Jar

Work on creative thinking, character and life skills, relationships, sharing personal insights 

In the jar: 101 cards
Ages 13+

Thought provoking questions for teens. Each card is printed with a question on one side. Examples of questions include:
  • If you could predict what your generation will contribute to the world, what would you say?
  • If you had to pick a punctuation mark to represent your personality, what would you choose?
  • If you had to name a hidden quality of yours that you wished people knew about, what would it be?
  • If you had to give up TV for one year, what would you do with your extra time?
There is not a general theme, questions touch on a lot of different areas including school, the future, the environment, and relationships.

I have several of the In a Jar products that I have used. Then I discovered Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers. You can often get these types of activities for cheaper or free with a little effort.

Try this:
  • Sift through the cards and pick out only those that relate to a specific topic that you would like to address that day.
  • Don't make judgments if you don't agree with an answer. Try to see the viewpoint of the person who is answering.
  • Play along and answer the questions yourself after the individual. This will give you the opportunity to reinforce anything you may want to add without sounding preachy or like you are correcting their answer.
If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

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