
Jun 11, 2016

Number Puzzle Boards & Pegs

Number Puzzle Boards & Pegs - 1-10

An awesome peg set, this math skill builder can be used in so many ways. The colors are bright, the pieces are sturdy. The pegs fit into the holes without any play, so they stand straight. The numbers are easy to take out and put back on the blue piece. The yellow and blue pieces come apart easily, but fit together snugly. The pegs are a nice size and have been easy to handle for most. I have used this Number Puzzle Boards & Pegs set with success over the years.

If you would like to read more about peg board activities, check out my post What's in Your Therapy Box? Peg Board Edition.

Try this:
  • Separate the blue top from the yellow bottom and make 10 two piece puzzles. Count the holes to know which number to attach to the top.
  • Use the blue tops only. Remove the yellow numbers. Scatter them on the table and finish the puzzles by putting the correct number(s) on each piece.
  • Leave the blue and yellow puzzle as one piece. Place the pegs in each hole. Count as you go. Assemble 1 - 10, then line them up from 1 -10 and count. Assemble 10 - 1, then line them up to count backwards.
  • Stand the pegs upside down on the table top. Ask the individual to pick up the peg and turn it in-hand to orient it for placement.
  • Make one tall stack of pegs, one on top of the other, for each card. Can you stack all 10 on top of each other without it falling over?
  • Leave the yellow and blue pieces together, but take out the numbers. Trace your finger over the number hole. Add the pegs as you count. Trace the number with your finger again.
  • Put one peg at a time in the individual's palm. Ask him to move it to his fingertips, using only that hand, to orient and place in the yellow puzzle piece.
  • Line up some pegs of different colors on the table. Ask the individual to make a tall stack of pegs using that color sequence.
  • Make a stack of pegs with a pattern, such as yellow, yellow, blue, yellow, yellow, blue. Ask the individual to make the same patter, to add the next sequence to the pattern, to make the same pattern but use different color pegs.
  • Work on visual discrimination, spatial relations, visual closure, eye-hand coordination, manual dexterity, grasp, in-hand manipulation, number recognition, sequencing numbers, executive functioning skills, process skills, play exploration and participation
In the box: 55 tall stacker pegs, 10 rubber puzzle boards, 10 rubber numbers
Ages 3+, 1 or more players 

If you are interested in purchasing this or just want more information, click on the image below.

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