
Oct 29, 2016

Secret Square

Secret Square - How many categories can you find for 96 images?
Secret Square is the game of categories and questions. The game consists of 96 plastic squares, each with a colorful, simple picture of an every day object(s). The pictures are actually stickers and you will apply them to the tiles yourself. After owning Secret Square for many years they are still sticking fine. The scoring chips are smaller than the square so that one can hide flat under a square unnoticed. Here are a few of the pictures on the tiles from the box lid:


Collect the most scoring chips by guessing the secret square.

Set up:
One player chooses 25 tiles and sets up a 5 x 5 grid (see image above). You can play with more squares for a more challenging game, and fewer for a less challenging game. The player setting up the grid hides a scoring chip under one of the squares while the other players are turned away.

Players take turns asking yes and no questions. For instance, is this object alive, is this object a form of transportation, or can this object melt. If a player asks can this item melt and the answer is yes, they will remove all the images that fall into that category, such as the snowman, ice cream cone, ice cube, etc. hoping to find a scoring chip under one of them. If they remove the square covering a chip, they win that chip and the round is over. Players try to ask questions that will cover a large amount of squares so they have a better chance of uncovering the chip. The player who hides the chip does not guess that round, but is the one who answers the questions and removes the squares each time a question is answered. Players take turns at this job. Play until someone wins 5 chips. Hide more than one chip for a faster game.

Alternate play: Set the tiles up but do not hide a chip. Players ask questions so that there is only one tile left at the end. The player who asks the question that eliminates all tiles but one, wins a chip.

Try this:
  • Work on categorizing, visual discrimination, visual scanning, figure ground, manual dexterity, analytical thinking, executive functioning skills, socialization skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
  • Set up the grid for the individual and you call the categories as the individual removes all tiles that fit each category. For example something red, something living, something you can eat, etc.
  • Set the game up and use only a category you are working on. For example use only animals. Questions could focus on categories such as animals with beaks, animals with fur, animals with tails, etc. Or for instance work on just color questions.
  • Choose two or three categories and sort through the tiles, taking out only those that fit. Ask the individual to sort them into piles by those categories.
  • Set up all 96 tiles. Have one person call a category and all scan the pile and remove tiles at the same time. Then the next player names a category and the tiles are removed. Continue until all tiles have been removed. The winner is the person with the most tiles.
  • Set up a grid of tiles, face-down. In turn, players turn over two tiles. If they can name a category that both tiles will fit in in 15 seconds, they get the tiles. If not, turn them back over. Play until all tiles are taken.
  • Set up a line of three or four tiles, face-up. All players look at the tiles until someone can name a category that they all fit into. That person wins a chip. First person with 5 chips is the winner.
  • Place one tile in the playing area and start a 1 minute timer. How many categories can each player write down for his one tile. Example snowman: something cold, white, edible (carrot nose), winter, wet, inanimate, etc.  Players compare answers and cross off any that are duplicated by others. The person with the most unique answers wins a chip.
  • Dump the tiles on the table for set up. Turn each one in-hand that needs to be flipped over before placing in the grid.
  • Set up by holding a stack of tiles in the non-dominant hand and taking them, one at a time, with the dominant hand and orienting them in-hand for placement.

In the box: 96 squares, 96 self-adhesive stickers, 25 scoring chips
Ages 4+, 2-4 players

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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