
Jul 20, 2016

Pinkalicious Cupcake Race Game

Pinkalicious Cupcake Race Game

I liked this game right away because it includes a lot of different types of activities and chances for movement. It is a cooperative game, so the goal is to fill one cupcake game board, as a group, with six game pieces. To earn a game piece, everyone performs an activity from an action card. Once a tray is filled, it's time for a party! What that party consists of is up to you.

Evidently this game is based on a series of books (that I have not read) and a few of the action cards will suggest activities that are particular to a specific character, such as draw a picture of Goldie. In this case, you can either go through the cards in advance and pull those few out or set the card aside and draw again if you get one on your turn. The game includes 100 action cards in four different card categories. Here are examples from each category.
  • Everybody Move - See who can balance on one foot the longest - with your eyes closed! See who can jump the highest in the air.
  • Rhyming and Chiming - Name 3 words that rhyme with pink. Make up a song about birds building a nest.
  • Inner Artist - Draw a starry night sky. Draw your bedroom.
  • Act it Out - Pretend that you're a ballerina. Pretend that you are getting dressed.
To play, each player will throw the die to determine which category to choose a card from. Pick a card, perform that action and receive one game piece. Fill a game board to end the game.

Try this:
  • Fill all game boards before ending the game. Filling one game board is going to be a pretty fast game.
  • Follow up with real cupcakes and frost them together.
  • Work on motor planning, gross motor, balance, manual dexterity, bilateral integration, fine motor precision, using a writing tool, spatial relations, rhyming, creative play, socialization skills, process skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: 4 cupcake tray game boards, 24 cupcake game pieces, 1 die, 1 pink pad, 100 cards

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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