
Jul 31, 2016


Equilibrio - 60 challenges

Equilibrio is a multi-award winning 1-person game with 60 challenges that increase in difficulty as you go. Use the blocks to build upright structures following the models in the pattern book. A steady hand will be required.

There are seven different geometric shapes and 18 pieces total. The pieces are made from solid, orange plastic. You can see 16 of the shapes in the image on the left.

The book shows 60 individual models. Use the blocks that are indicated at the bottom of each page to build that model. Models use anywhere from six pieces to all 18 pieces.

Equilibrio puzzle number 56. Built on a base of round blocks.
The pattern book is spiral bound and the puzzles increase in difficulty as you go, so the player will continue to be challenged as he advances. Puzzles are shown in 2D, and pieces may look very different from different views. There is a chart included in the book so that you can see each piece from the most common views including front, rear, right, left, below, and above. There is a clue section at the back of the book for the last 20, and most difficult, puzzles. Some of the pieces may be completely hidden and require deduction as to where they are placed. All models are show from the front view.

The four different games in this series are Equilibrio, Perspecto (old name is Cliko), Architecto, Tangramino, and they all use the same 18 pieces. Here is some information on each game:
  • Equilibrio - Build structures upright, some with challenging balance aspects such as the one above that is built on round blocks.
  • Perspecto - Build structures from a variety of perspectives (up to three views per puzzle). The old name for this game is Cliko. The Perspecto puzzle book is the exact same book as the Cliko book, just a new name.
  • Architecto - Build structures upright.
  • Tangramino - Build structures flat on the table.
You can buy each game with the book and the pieces as a set, or you can buy the books separately and one set of pieces separately. I also have the book for Cliko (which uses the same 18 blocks that I have in this Equilibrio set). Both books fit in the box and I just carry them together. I have primarily used this set with high-functioning teens as the later puzzles in the books can be quite challenging.

For more of this type of activity, see my post on What's in Your Therapy Box? Pattern Block Edition.

Try this:
  • Start by examining each piece and comparing it to the chart. Discuss how one piece can look different when looking at it from different perspectives.
  • Make a copy of the chart so that you can have it next to the puzzle for comparison if you need help as you build.
  • Models built on cylinders, as the example above, may be easier to construct on a rough surface, such as a piece of paper or cardboard, if a table top is too smooth and offers little friction.
  • Orient a puzzle piece and place it on the model if an individual gets stuck or cannot orient the piece correctly. Then pick it up, turn it askew, and hand it to the individual to orient. The individual may not be able to "see" the shape as it would look in a different orientation and a visual demonstration like that can help a great deal.
  • Use consistent directional and positional language as you cue
  • Work on visual discrimination, visualization, spatial relations, position in space, visual closure, visual form constancy, eye-hand coordination, manual dexterity, in-hand manipulation, coordinated use of both hands, process skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation.
In the box: 18 solid plastic pieces, pattern book with 60 patterns
Ages 5+, 1 player

If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

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