
Jul 9, 2016

5 Second Rule

5 Second Rule - Just spit it out
It may seem nearly impossible, but you actually can name three pizza chains, or three Christmas gifts you would hate to receive, or three ocean animals in five seconds or less. You may surprise yourself with how easily some answers roll off your tongue and how blank your mind goes on other categories just as familiar. 

The timer for 5 Second Rule is quite unique (see image above). It is a 9" tall plastic tube with small metal balls inside that plays a funny "zoop" sound when it is turned over. Flip it over and hear the small balls as they swirl to the bottom. When they all arrive at the bottom, time is up. A very fast paced game for sure.

There are 288 category cards, printed front and back, so 576 categories all together. Each card starts with "Name 3..." and then lists a category. While some of the categories are specific to things like sports teams or movies, many are also of a general nature that I think many could answer. Here are a few examples:
  • Name 3 words that rhyme with red
  • Name 3 things you might find in a junk drawer
  • Name 3 things you might find in the basement
  • Name 3 things you do while no one is looking
  • Name 3 streets in your town
If you would like to read about the junior version of this game, click here.

Determine how many rounds you will play. After playing that many rounds, the person with the most points (cards) is the winner.

Set up:
Set the timer and cards, face-down, between the players.

The person to the left of the current player is always the card reader. Read the card asking the player to name 3 things, then flip the timer. The player has 5 seconds to name the three. If the player fails to name three, the next player gets a turn to name three. However, they cannot use any of the things that the first player says. If they fail, it moves to the next player, who cannot duplicate any answers already given. Keep playing until you are back to the original player. If no one can name three, the original player gets to keep the card (cards are worth one point each). Play the number of rounds that you determined at the start and the person with the most cards (points) is the winner. 

Try this:
  • Skip the timer. Some people do much worse when under time pressure. Just use the cards and name the items. Or, flip the timer twice for 10 seconds.
  • Use the timer but only require two answers. 
  • Use some other kind of countdown timer if this one is too noisy or distracting.
  • Play it as a cooperative game - you all against time. Everyone throws out answers while the timer is counting down. Get the card if you complete the three, the timer gets the card if you don't.  
In the box: 288 cards with 576 categories, 5 second twisted timer.
Ages 10+, 3+ players
If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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