
Jul 29, 2016

Kid's Daily Dilemmas

Kids' Daily Dilemmas in a Jar

In the jar: 101 cards with a scenario for discussion on each one
Kids' Daily Dilemmas offers the opportunity to discuss relevant challenges and issues that face many kids today. Guide the child/youth through the problem solving process as you talk about topics such as bullying, safety, privacy, cheating, and peer relationships. These cards make perfect scenarios to use with the free, easy to use, online Make Belief Comix generator. I have done this many times and it is more engaging for some to read the scenario from a comic strip as opposed to the cards in the jar. I have used both ways with success. 
Here are three samples from the cards:
  • When you get home after school, you notice the back door is wide open. No one is supposed to be home. You think there may be an intruder. What do you do?
  • You're at the mall with a friend. You see her slip a sweater under her coat. You know she plans to leave the store without paying for it. What do you do?
  • Your sibling's friend wants to copy an old social studies term paper of yours and hand it in as his own work. What do you do?
Other In A Jar products I have blogged about.
Cyber Dilemmas In A Jar
Bully Free Zone In A Jar
Figurative Language In A Jar
Temper Tamers In A Jar

UPDATE: Since blogging about this over three years ago I have discovered the Teachers Pay Teachers website. There are many task cards of this type to be found there, and cheaper.

For more information, click on the image below.

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