
Sep 18, 2016

Fish or Cut Bait

Fish or Cut Bait - How many people can fish from home?

Fish or Cut Bait is a roll 'em fast and reel 'em in dice game. Any time you play a dice game you have a chance to work on strengthening palmar arches. Good arch support aids in fine motor precision for many, many tasks. 

The game is played with seven dice - four "rig" dice and three "fishing" dice. Each fish die has six sides, five with a picture of a fish and a number, and one with a picture of a fishing pole with a boot on the end, called a "snag".

Be the person who has caught the most fish after eight rounds. 

Set up:
Place the dice in the middle of the players. Set the snag-free chip, score pad and pencil and 45 second timer near by.

Players take turns. On each turn, the player will have 45 seconds to throw the dice. Before they can start "fishing" with the red, white, and blue dice, they must first throw a "fishing rig" with the tan dice. A rig consists of a fishing boat, a fishing pole, a lure, and a bobber. Throw the four tan dice quickly to assemble the rig as time is running out. If three of a kind are rolled while assembling the rig, the player earns a "snag-free" chip.

Once the rig is assembled, set those dice aside and start fishing by throwing the red, white, and blue dice. You are trying for the highest score you can get when combining the three dice, but you don't want to throw a snag. If a snag is thrown, all fish you might have saved up to this point are lost and you must start over from the beginning, including assembling a new rig. If you have earned a snag-free chip while assembling your rig, you can ignore all snags that you throw on this turn. When you are throwing the three fish dice, if you throw a die with a large number, say five, you may set it aside and only throw the other two. Once you are satisfied with your score, or the timer runs out, your turn is over. If you are afraid of throwing a snag, you can opt to end your turn and take the points you have earned. Record your score on the score sheet and pass the dice to the next player.

Try this:
  • Forget the timer. Assemble your rig, then throw the three colored fish dice until you catch a boot which will end you turn. Count one point for each fish as you throw. Record your score.
  • Follow the instructions above, but count the actual number that shows up on each fish mentally as you go.
  • Cup two hands to throw the dice. Alternate placing hands side-by-side with top and bottom.
  • Assemble the rig by turning the dice instead of throwing them. Call an item, such as fishing pole. Then put one die in the individual's palm and ask him to bring it to his fingertips, with that hand, and turn it until he finds the correct item. When I place a die in an individual's palm, I often place the side they will be looking for at the bottom. This will ensure that the person will have to rotate the die to come up with the correct side.
  • Work on visual discrimination, eye-hand coordination, palmar arch development, in-hand manipulation, basic math, socialization skills, process skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: 7 wooden game dice, 1 45-second sand timer, 1 "snag free" game chip, score pad
Ages 8+, 2+ players

If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

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