
Oct 24, 2016

The Thanksgiving Box of Questons

Box of Questions - Birthday, Camp, Slumber Party, Thanksgiving

The Box of Questions is just that - A box with cards that have questions written on them. They come in a lot of different themes and are meant to engage, inform and entertain. I own several, and the number of cards in the boxes vary, although the round boxes and cards are the same size. Here are examples from each of the sets I own:

  • Thanksgiving
    •  What is your favorite Thanksgiving family tradition?
    • Is there someone's recipe for a Thanksgiving dish that you look forward to every year?
    • How many generations has your family lived in America and what has their experience been like?
  • Birthday
    •  Which pop singer would you want to sing happy birthday to you?
    • What is the coolest room decoration you have ever seen?
    • What is your "must have" birthday gift this year.
  • Camp - This is summer camp and kids getting to know each other.
    •  What are the top 5 songs on your i-Pod?
    • Who is the funniest kid at camp? What do they do that makes you laugh most?
    • What camp food is the most disgusting?
    • Which camp activity is totally B-O-R-I-N-G ?
  • Slumber Party
    •  Have you every pretended to be someone else online, in a note, on the phone, etc.?
    • What is something you love to drink or eat that others may find funny, weird of gross? (drinking pickle juice, putting syrup on cereal, etc.)
    • Is the person on your left more likely to become a rocket scientist, a self-help guru, or a celebrity stalker?

Work on socialization skills

In the box: 35 - 82 cards (depending on the theme)

If you are interested in purchasing this item or just for more information, click on the image below.

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