
Dec 26, 2016

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood logic game

Can you make a path from Little Red Riding Hood to the house so that she can visit her grandma? Little Red Riding Hood by Smart Games is another bright, well-constructed one-player logic, problem solving game with manipulatives that kids love.

The pathway pieces, house, and board are a hard plastic. The characters and trees are a little more flexible plastic. The grid is divided into 16 squares.

This is a preschool level game with 24 challenges featuring just Little Red Riding Hood, and 24 challenges with the wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. If you are playing with the wolf, then you need to create two paths, one from the wolf to the house and one for Little Red to escape from the house.

The puzzle starts by showing you where to place the house, the character(s), and some or all of the plastic trees on the grid/game board (see images below). The puzzles with just Little Red Riding Hood start out needing only one pathway piece to complete so that you can teach the game slowly. Then the puzzles require two-piece pathways, then three pieces, all the way up to five-piece pathways. The wolf puzzles start with two-piece pathways and gradually move up to five-piece pathways also.

For some, the first challenge may just be setting up the game board to work a puzzle. Try covering all but the row or column you are placing figures on to emphasize the work area or to eliminate unnecessary distractions. 

Far left - How to set up the game board for puzzle 1 for Little Red Riding Hood game. Middle - The solution for game 1. Far right - The solution for game 24.

Left - Solution 1 for the Red Riding Hood plus wolf puzzle. Right - Solution 24 for Red Riding Hood plus wolf puzzle. Nice spiral book, stays flat.

The book is not necessary for the game, it is just a little story book.
If you are interested in reading more about logic puzzles, check out my post on What's in Your Therapy Box? Logic Puzzle Edition.

Try this:
  • Place the first piece if the individual is having trouble getting started.
  • Show the individual how to count the squares if he is having trouble placing the pieces into the grid when setting up a puzzle.
  • Play a round or two as the individual watches and talk through the steps of problem solving so that he can learn how to play.
  • Play a game as the individual watches, talking your way through the problem solving process. Then take the path pieces out, turn them so they are not in the correct orientations, and ask the individual to complete the puzzle.
  • Only put out the necessary pieces to solve the puzzle for beginners. As they improve, introduce unnecessary pieces to increase the challenge.
  • Point out the chimney on the house as the individual is setting up the board to make sure that the house is oriented correctly.
  • Play all but the last piece to solve the puzzle. Then all but the last two pieces, etc. until the individual is working the puzzles independently.
  • Set up several games using the set-up pages, without working any of the puzzles, until the individual gets good at putting the pieces on the correct places on the game board.
  • Work on visual discrimination, visualization, visual closure, visual form constancy, figure ground, spatial relations, eye-hand coordination, manual dexterity, executive functioning skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: 1 game board, 1 house, 3 trees, 1 Red Riding Hood, 1 wolf, 5 trail pieces, 1 puzzle book with 48 challenges, 1 story book

If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

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