
Jan 19, 2017

Q-Bitz Extreme

Q-Bitz Extreme

The original Q-Bitz game requires you to place your cubes in the tray to recreate the pattern on the pattern card. Q-Bitz Extreme is more difficult than the original version of Q-Bitz because some of the patterns on the cubes are curves (instead of straight diagonal lines) plus there are four different rounds that you play within one game.

Sixteen cubes are required to complete a puzzle and a tray holds 16 cubes. Each side of a cube has a different design on it. There are four different sets of colors - fuchsia, teal, chartreuse and blue. All pieces are painted wood.

The 80 challenges range in difficulty. The cards are numbered in the bottom right hand corner, but not graded for difficulty. For example, the first card on the bottom row in the image below is number 60, and I think it is one of the easier patterns. However, you can use the numbers to remember where you quit and where to pick up next time. There is not a grid printed on the pattern cards. Cards are printed in black and white, and the individual must be able to pick out each square from the background and substitute his color in place of the white. A real VP workout! Here are a few pattern cards:

I use both versions of this game quite frequently. For the easiest version, try Q-Bitz Jr.

Be the first to correctly arrange your cubes to match the pattern on the card and win the card. Play eight rounds, player with the most cards is the winner.

Set up:
Give each player one tray and a set of 16 cubes of one color. Place the stack of challenge cards in the middle, face-down.

There are four different rounds and the instructions say to play through these twice. Players all play at the same time, they do not take turns.
  • Round 1
    • Turn the top card face-up. All players race to see who can recreate the pattern on their tray first. First one to complete correctly and say "Q-Bitz!" wins the card. 
  • Round 2
    • Turn the top card face-up. Each player throws their dice and uses the ones they can to build on their tray. Dice they don't need have to be re-thrown. You must throw your dice, you cannot turn them in your fingers to find the correct side. Keep throwing and playing until someone wins the card.
  • Round 3
    • Turn the top card face-up. All players get 10 seconds to memorize the pattern. Turn the card face-down and players work to recreate the pattern. When someone thinks they have it, they say "Q-Bitz!"  If the player is correct, they get the card. If not, the player with the most correct cubes in their tray wins the card.
  • Round 4
    • Turn the top card face-up. All player race to make the REVERSE pattern from the one on the card (white is now black, black is now colored). Play until someone completes the pattern, call "Q-Bitz!" and wins the card.

Play through these rounds twice, to get in the eight rounds the came suggests. Player with the most cards wins the game.

Try this:
  • Let the individual copy what you do as you place each cube in your tray if he is not able to read the card and separate the four cubes.
  • Make a design on one tray and let the individual use it as a pattern to make the same design (3D pattern to 3D pattern).
  • Skip the game, just make the patterns. If the player has made an error, ask him to compare his pattern, cube by cube, with the pattern card and see if he can identify and correct it independently before assisting.
  • If placing a cube in the puzzle for the individual, show him how to orient it and then take it out and turn it. Give it back to him to place.
  • Use the cubes without the trays and make a pattern with all the cubes such as AB or ABB. Start the pattern and let the individual finish it.
  • Demonstrate and then ask the individual to turn each cube in-hand if he is using the tabletop, his body, or two hands to do it. 
  • Skip the game, just make the patterns. Place one cube at a time in the individual's palm and ask him to bring it to the fingertips and then orient it for placement.
  • Use the back side of unused cards or a white paper to cover all the black and white squares except for the one you are working on if the individual has difficulty mentally separating it. Once he improves, move to covering all but one line, then two lines, etc.
  • Focus on the black if the player has trouble translating the white to his color.
  • Work on visual discrimination, spatial relations, figure ground, visual closure, visual memory, in-hand manipulation, distal rotation, separation of two sides of hand, palmar arch development, manual dexterity, executive functioning skills, socialization skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: 80 pattern cards, 4 wooden trays, 4 sets of 16 cubes
If you are interested in buying this game or just want more information, click on the image below to go to 

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