
Children learn through play. As an occupational therapist who works with children and youth, I use games and toys almost every day to help develop important cognitive, visual perceptual, motor, sensory, social, play and leisure skills. While many different types of activities can be used in therapy, this blog focuses on off-the-shelf games and toys that are accessible to most. Whether you are a therapist, parent, teacher, or a game lover like me, I hope you discover something useful while you are here. Learn a different way to play a game you already own or discover a new game for your next family game night. Either way, just go play. It's good for you!

The OT Magazine named The Playful Otter one of the Top 5 Pediatric OT Blogs.

Nov 17, 2019

Pass the Pen

Pass the Pen -A drawing game with a timer pen.
What WILL they think of next? Pass the Pen is your typical drawing game with a couple of unique features that I suppose they feel will make it stand out. 

The first unique feature is that crazy pen. Maybe the pen is just strange enough that it reluctant writers will want to pick it up. By turning the small red button on the top of the timer you can set it for 10 seconds (experienced players) or 15 seconds (beginners). Mine runs a little longer, 20 seconds instead of 15. The timer is fairly loud as it runs. When you are ready to draw, push the yellow plunger at the top of the pen all the way down. The pen tip emerges and the timer begins. As the time runs out, the pen tip is slowly retracted back into the pen. The pen is approximately 6" long. What will you do when the pen runs out of ink? I guess the fun is over.

Also included are 104 cards and each card has five challenges, so 540 challenges total. Next to each challenge is a different colored circle which corresponds to a color on the die. Here are examples of challenges to draw on three different cards:
  • Tidal wave, fried egg, sumo wrestler, horse-drawn carriage, time machine
  • Angel, breadcrumbs, Adam's apple microscope, to toast
  • Map, gloves, to have your head in the clouds, the Loch Ness monster, drinking out of a bottle
There are five different colors on the die, one color per side, and one question mark. If you throw the question mark, you get to choose your word to draw.

Collect the most cards over 10 rounds.

Set up:
Shuffle the cards and put them in a face-down stack in the middle of the players. Place the die and the pen nearby.

Players take turns. The first player, throws the die, then picks a card to see what they will be drawing. Set the timer for 10 or 15 seconds, push down on the yellow button and draw. All other players are watching and get one guess each of what you are drawing before the timer runs out. If someone guesses it correctly, that person and the drawer each get one point. I said there were two unique features to this game, and here comes number two. If no one guesses, the picture, pen and card are passed to the player on the left. They will look at the card and continue to draw the picture. Any players who have already drawn on a picture can not guess. Play continues in this manner around the group until someone guesses the picture. This is the end of round one. Play nine more rounds and the person with the highest score is the winner. 

Try this: 
  • Skip the pen if you don't like the noise and set your phone timer.
  • Extend the time if the time seems to short. It might take me 5 seconds just to figure out where to start.
  • Skip the die and let each person choose which thing they want to draw on their card.
If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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