
Children learn through play. As an occupational therapist who works with children and youth, I use games and toys almost every day to help develop important cognitive, visual perceptual, motor, sensory, social, play and leisure skills. While many different types of activities can be used in therapy, this blog focuses on off-the-shelf games and toys that are accessible to most. Whether you are a therapist, parent, teacher, or a game lover like me, I hope you discover something useful while you are here. Learn a different way to play a game you already own or discover a new game for your next family game night. Either way, just go play. It's good for you!

The OT Magazine named The Playful Otter one of the Top 5 Pediatric OT Blogs.

Jan 6, 2019

Mental Blox Jr.

Mental Blox Jr. - A beginner's logic puzzle.

Mental Blox has several products on the market now. I've loved and used the original Mental Blox for several years, in part because the kids like it. I had different expectations for Mental Blox Jr. when I saw it. Often when you can't see very many of the puzzle cards, or the progression from easy to hard, you have to make assumptions. This is what I did with this and I got it wrong. The puzzles are much easier than I was hoping. Maybe my description will help someone else decide whether to buy it.

All pieces are hard plastic, brightly colored and hollow. The squares are 2" x 2" and the shaped pieces may be a little smaller. As you can see in the image above, the sides of some pieces are solid color, some are patterned, some have faces. There is a purple tray that is divided into four sections and measures 6.25" x 6.25". You will build your puzzles on this base.

The puzzle cards are large and have a colored border. The puzzle images are shown from different perspectives (overhead, side view, etc.). There are four different kinds of puzzles and four different border colors, one color for each puzzle type. There are seven puzzles for each type, and I guess you could say they get a little harder as they progress, although not really a major jump overall. The puzzles are numbered 1 to 7 within each type. The puzzle answers are on the back of the cards. Here are the different types of puzzles: 

Orange border - What's different? 

Build the puzzle on the front of the card. Now turn the card over. One piece will be different. Find it and change it (turn it) so it matches the card.

LEFT: Front of the card shows the puzzle. RIGHT: Back of the card.

Purple border - What's missing? 

Build the puzzle on the front of the card. One space will show only a question mark. Choose one of the pieces from the bottom to put in that space so that the pieces are the same in some aspect. Check the solution on the back.

LEFT: Front of the card shows the puzzle. RIGHT: Back of the card shows the solution.

Blue border - Me and my shadow. 

All pieces are in black and white. Find the matching colored pieces to build the puzzle on the card.

LEFT: Front of the card shows the puzzle. RIGHT: Back of the card shows the solution.

Green border - Solve it! 

Gather all the pieces shown down the left hand side of the card. Build the puzzle as shown, using all of the pieces. Some pieces may be hidden under others. Check the back for the solution.

LEFT: Front of the card shows the puzzle. RIGHT: Back of the card shows the solution.

After using this game in therapy, I would suggest doing all of one puzzle type at a time, or at least several of one type before moving to a different type. If you choose cards randomly and jump between types, you will be frequently giving instructions and this may be confusing for the individual playing, at least at first. 

Try this:
  • Play with the pieces before working a puzzle. Stack the pieces, put pieces inside of each other, talk about shapes and patterns, look at pieces from different perspectives, etc.
  • Prop the puzzle card upright for vertical building and lay it flat on the table for the overhead view of a puzzle.
  • Build a puzzle while the individual looks on. Talk out loud as you figure out what to do, to model the problem solving process. Place an incorrect piece and tell why it is not correct. Remove it and try something else until you find the correct one. Finish the puzzle. Then take it apart and let the individual solve it.
  • Place only the necessary pieces next to the puzzle card and tray for the puzzle you will be working to reduce the number of pieces the individual will have to look through.
  • Give the pieces one at a time if the individual does not know where to begin or how to proceed. Or gives cues such as put the green on the tray first, now add the orange piece, etc.
  • Allow the person to make a mistake, if it occurs naturally during building. This is not the type of puzzle where a mistake may throw off further work, such as when building with LEGOs. Then encourage the individual to look at the answer and check each piece, one at a time, to identify the incorrect piece.
  • Work on visual discrimination, spatial relations/position in space, visual closure, visual form constancy, figure ground, eye-hand coordination, balance, shoulder stability, manual dexterity, coordinated use of two hands, problem solving, logic, executive functioning skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: Puzzle tray, 8 puzzle blocks (4 blocks, 4 shapes), 28 puzzle cards
If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

Jan 1, 2019

Snowtime Snow Shield

An indoor snowball fight.

For those of us who don't have the real thing, or if you have the real thing and it is too cold to be out in it, there's Snowtime Snow Shield, an indoor snowball fight. Snowtime Snow Shield comes with two inflatable shields and six snowballs. Each shield measures about 18.5" long, 14.5" wide and 2.25" deep. On the back of each shield is a nice plastic handle for holding the shield. There are 6 dense, lightweight, plush balls for throwing, each measuring 3" in diameter. You are suppose to be able to wash the balls, but I've never done it. They should hold up well over time. From the picture I thought there might be velcro on the front of the shields for the snowballs to stick to, but there is not.

LEFT: Snowball.  RIGHT:Handle on back.
 Try this:
  • Ask the individual with the shield to stand still. How many times can you hit it with 6 balls?
  • Throw toward a stationary shield and each time you hit the shield, one of the individuals will take one step back. Can you keep hitting the shield as you get further apart? Or have the individual with the shield move between throws so you have to adjust your throw each time. Or have the individual with the shield move while you are throwing at the target.
  • Play cold snowball (like hot potato). Set a timer for a short amount of time and toss the snowball back and forth. When the timer goes off, whoever has the snowball has to perform a task, such as pretend to build a snowman, pretend to ice skate around the room (try twirls or figure eights), run back and forth and pretend to catch snowflakes on the tongue or stand on a wobble board and pretend to snowboard.
  • Play a simple game of catch. When someone catches the snowball, they take one step backward. When someone misses the snowball, they take one step forward. See how far apart you can get and still catch the ball.
  • Set up a plush toy(s) or plush snowman and see how many tries it takes to knock it over. 
  • Set up containers (laundry baskets, paper bags, etc.) around the room and see how many you can land in the containers.
  • Rate your throws: Bad aim, lucky shot, on the mark, too high, too low, too far to the left, too far to the right. Then try again with the new information and adjust your throw.
  • Stand on a wobble board to pretend you are skiing or snowboarding while playing catch and/or throwing at a target. (Assess the appropriateness of a wobble board before using.)
  • Practice repeatedly throwing a snowball in the air and catching it with two hands (not against the body).
  • Practice repeatedly throwing a snowball in the air and catching it with the same hand. Throw higher and higher as you get better and better.
  • Practice repeatedly throwing a snowball in the air and catching it with the opposite hand.
  • Work on eye-hand coordination, manual dexterity, palmar arch development, coordinated use of both hands, spatial relations/position in space, motor planning, shoulder stability, balance, social interaction skills, executive functioning skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: 2 inflatable shields, 6 snowballs
If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.