
Jul 22, 2016



The ChickyBoom challenge is to balance all the chickens, hay bales, and wagon wheels on the perch without anything falling off. The pieces are solid wood and brightly painted. The purple chickens may be a little hard to pick up for some because of the shape and the smoothness. Picking them up by the orange felt piece sticking out the top is easiest, and is probably what it is meant for. Teach the individual how to keep both sides balanced.

If you have a child that is attracted to wooden toys over other types of toys, he may well like this one. ChickyBoom is the recipient of multiple toy awards.

To set up, make a perch by balancing the long plank on the wooden block. Now take turns balancing one piece at a time on top of the plank. If anything falls off on your turn, the other player wins.

Try this:
  • Put the long board flat on the table, not balanced on the block. Place the pieces on the board, one by one, to practice stacking and the graded release necessary so that nearby pieces don't fall off. Then add the challenge of balancing and stack again.
  • Build one tall tower of hay bales and wagon wheels on the tabletop (orange and yellow pieces). Place a chicken on the very top.
  • Set up the perch and balance all the pieces on top. Now take them off one at a time without making anything fall.
  • Pick up two of the same pieces, one in each hand, and place them on the perch at opposite ends at the same time, being careful to balance the weight. Try to get them all on this way.
  • Set up the perch and balance all the pieces on top. Ask the player to take a piece off, one at a time without toppling, as you call the color.
  • Give the player a verbal sequence of pieces to put up. Can he remember and place them in order?
  • Work on graded grasp and release, manual dexterity, balance, pincer grasp, coordinated use of both hands, eye-hand coordination, visual discrimination, executive functioning skills, socialization skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation 
In the box: Long narrow wooden board and wooden block (perch), 6 purple chickens, 7 yellow pieces (hay bales), 7 orange pieces (wagon wheels) 
Ages 4+. 2-4 players

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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