
Jul 22, 2016


Trigger - Left/right orientation

A fun game to work on right-left orientation. Each card has six random  statements on it.  After hearing a statement, if the statement is true, slap the target with your right hand. If the statement is false, hit it with your left hand. 

A random sampling of the statements include:
  • You are the tallest player here.
  • I am wearing a watch on my right wrist.
  • You have more brothers than sisters.
  • I am not wearing a skirt.
  • There is a clock hanging on a wall in this room.
  • Hit the target with both hands, left hand first.
  • My cell phone has rung during this game.

Try this:
  • Scan the card and present only the statements that are answerable and appropriate for the people in the room.
  • Ask the individual who is asking the questions to hold the deck in his non-dominant hand and push the top card off with the thumb to separate.
  • Increase the difficulty by using a timer to see how many questions can be answered in a minute. Is the player confident of right/left orientation, or are more mistakes made?
  • Ask the player to answer the question verbally before calling him on using the wrong hand. Then ask if he used the correct hand.
  • Work on spatial relations, manual dexterity, in-hand manipulation, body awareness, coordinated use of both hands, socialization skills, process skills, executive functioning skills, play exploration and participation
In the tin: 60 cards, 1 target
If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below to go to

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