
Aug 1, 2016

Granny Apples

Granny Apples - Nobody makes pies like granny

Granny is out picking apples to make one of her scrumptious apple pies. You get to help and you'll even earn your own apple tokens along the way. Maybe she will make an extra pie for you! Bright colors and whimsical graphics make Granny Apples a fun game for kids.The 8 wooden apple halves are 3D and the apple tokens are flat. Some of the apple tokens are whole apples and a few of them are half apples (see small apples in the image above).

Be the player with the most apple tokens once Granny has accumulated the equivalence of 12 whole apples in her basket. 

Set up:
Stand Granny's apple basket on the table. Pile the small apple tokens nearby. Place the wooden apple halves nearby.

In turn, each player will pick up the eight wooden apple halves and throw them on the table. You will earn or lose apple tokens based on which sides of the apples land right-side up. 
  • If you throw an apple red side up, collect a whole apple token (or 2 halves).
  • If you throw a pie, subtract 2 apple halves from your tokens and put them in granny's basket. 
  • If you throw a half apple, collect a half apple token.
  • If you throw a worm, subtract a whole apple from your token pile and put it in granny's basket.
  • If you throw a bird and a worm, the bird eats the worm and you do not lose any apples.
The rules sound a little involved but most have remembered them after playing a time or two. Periodically count the apples in Granny's basket. Once she has accumulated the equivalence of 12 whole apples the games ends. The person with the most apples at that point is the winner.

To see a list of fall-themed games, click here.

Try this:
  • Place the cardboard tokens all flat on the table (instead of piling) for practice picking up a flat item off of a flat surface. 
  • Allow the individual to help you set up the game.  Place 3 or 4 flat apple tokens in a stack in his palm and have him bring each apple, one at a time, to the fingertips to place on the tabletop.
  • End the game after 6 or 8 apples are in the basket instead of 12 for a shorter game.
  • Shape the palm before shaking the apples by putting a small ball or round object in the hand and forming the hand around it. Do that for both hands, drop the apples into the player's hand, and ask him to  place the other hand over the top and shake. Or cup the hands side-by-side and shake carefully so none fly out.
  • Ask the individual to shake ten times, keeping the hands in the cupped position a little longer. Sing a little ditty about apples as they shake. There are lots of kids songs about apples online.
  • Work on visual discrimination, figure ground, palmar arch development, visual memory, in-hand manipulation, manual dexterity, play and leisure exploration and participation, executive functioning skills, socialization skills, process skills

    In the box: Apple basket, 8 wood apple halves, 12 half apple tokens, 76 whole apple tokens
If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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