
Aug 1, 2016

My First Sorting Bears

My First Sorting Bears set includes 8 cards and 24 bears.

A first sorting set of cute and colorful bears. Bears are solid plastic and cards are thicker and good quality. Should hold up well. I chose to call these bears large and medium because I know there are small sorting/manipulative bears that many people use and they look like these, but are smaller. 

Try this:
  • Use consistent terminology throughout to avoid confusion, such as either big and little bears, or large and small bears, etc. Once they are familiar, then add variations.
  • Place two large cards in front of the individual and one large bear. Place the bear on the matching color card. Repeat until all large bears of those colors are sorted.
  • Place one card in front of the individual, either large or medium. Place all of that color bears in front of the individual and ask him to pick out that size of bear and place them on the card.
  • Place all the bears of one color and a large and a medium card of the same color in front of the individual. Ask the individual to sort the bears onto the two cards by size.
  • Place cards of choice and bears on table in front of child. Turn the bears so they are upside down, sideways, etc. Ask the individual to sort the bears onto the cards and place them all in a sitting position.
  • Line the bears up randomly. Starting at the left, tap each bear on the head and call out its size and/or color.
  • Sequence patterns by size or color. Place two bears for an AB pattern and let the individual continue it. Place three for AAB or ABB for size and let the individual finish it.
  • Work on visual discrimination, sorting by size, sorting by color, figure ground, manual dexterity, spatial relations, in-hand manipulation, play and leisure exploration and participation, process skills, executive functioning skills
In the box: Four large bear cards (blue, red, yellow, green), 4 medium bear cards (blue, red, yellow, green), 3 large bears of each color, 3 medium bears of each color.

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