
Aug 20, 2016

Cheese Louise

Cheese Louise - Choose the cheese that hides the fixins.
The object of Cheese Louise is to find the piece of cheese that will fit on top of the sandwich and cover all food, so that what peeks through the holes is only bread (see image below).

The cheese slices are made of thin yellow foam and each slice has one large circle and two small circles. The difficult part about fitting the cheese is that each piece of cheese you check may be upside-down, rotated to the right, rotated to the left or backward.

The sandwich cards are printed on one side only. Lots of different food items including ketchup, mustard, olives, pickles, tomatoes, jelly, peanut butter and bugs.

It can be tedious going through piece after piece of cheese, checking every angle on both sides of the cheese to find the match. With so many cards, kids may loose interest after completing just a couple. Come up with a strategy before starting, such as finding the biggest empty space on the card and looking for a piece of cheese with a large circle in that area. A great opportunity for practicing in-hand manipulation skills as the cheese can be spun in one hand as you try different angles.

The first player to hide all the ingredients on his bread with a piece of cheese wins the round. Keeps playing rounds until someone has won five bread cards and wins the game.

Set up:
Shuffle the cards and deal one to each player. Set the rest of the deck to the side. Scatter the cheese pieces in the middle of the playing area, in reach of all players.

On go, all players start looking for the one piece of cheese that will cover all the ingredients on their bread. After trying one, if it doesn't match, put it back and grab another. Keep looking until someone has found their matching cheese and wins the round.

Try this:
  • Place one bread card on the table. Place several cheese cards, which includes the correct one nearby. Ask the individual to find the correct cheese slice. Start with it in the correct orientation, then change the orientation, then change and flip the cheese to increase the difficulty gradually.
  • Start with only a few cards and the matching cheeses. You will have to sort these out ahead of time. Increase the number of bread cards or sets as the individual succeeds.
  • Be careful how you put the cheese and bread away, rubber banding sets together, if you are using a modified game. That way you won't have to spend time matching the sets before every game.
  • Choose the bread and cheese card matches before starting. Lay the cheese slices right-side-up, but in the incorrect orientation.
  • Choose cheese cards with the holes in positions that are easier to check for, such as in the corners, and use those matches first.
  • Work on visual discrimination, eye-hand coordination, visual closure, spatial relations, manual dexterity, in-hand manipulation, problem solving, coordinated use of two hands, process skills, socialization skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
  • Choose the bread and cheese card matches before starting. Have the cheese slices in the correct orientation to start with an easy game.
In the box 48 cheese challenges (48 sandwich cards and 48 cheese pieces)
Ages 6+, 1+ players

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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