
Aug 19, 2016

Headache Pop-O-Matic Game

Headache Pop-O-Matic Game - Be the top cone to win.

If you've ever played the Pop-O-Matic game of Trouble, you're half way to Headache Pop-O-Matic. Don't get excited about there being two dice in the popper, it just means that if the red dot appears when you pop, you get another turn.

The number die in the popper is numbered 1-6. The white die in the popper has a red dot on one side only. All pieces are plastic. The popper is easy to push down for most, but people with very weak hands may have difficulty. 

I found myself using a variety of grips on this game, depending on how close other cones were to me and how high the stack got. The cones are smooth plastic and you will have to pinch your fingers together at the bottom to keep the stack together when lifting. If you accidentally drop a stack as you are trying to move it, that's OK, since only the top cone color matters and that will be the person who is moving the stack. So if the other colors get mixed up it won't matter, only the top color matters.

Capture your opponents cones by stacking your color cones on top of them.  Be the top cone when all the cones are in one stack and the game ends.

Set up:
Each player chooses a color and stacks the four matching color cones on the X by that color on the board.

Players take turns. In turn, each player gets one pop and one move, unless he pops the red dot which means two pops and two moves. Each of the first four turns, for all players, must be used to move the four cones off the X spot. Once that is done, it is your goal to land on an opponents cone, thereby capturing it. As more cones are captured, cone stacks will get higher and higher. Whoever owns the color on the top cone of a stack, is the owner of the stack. This can change many times in the course of one game. Single cones must move clockwise, but cone stacks can move clockwise or counterclockwise. The game is over when all of the cones are in one stack. The person owning the top color is the winner.

Try this:
  • Play a very simple game. Two people each take one cone and place it on the X, across from each other. Taking turns, who can get back to the X first.
  • Practice picking up various height stacks of cones and setting them down without dropping any before you play. You will need to do this as you play.
  • Play a game and instead of stacking cones, each time you land on your opponent's cone, take it off the board. Who is the last one left with a cone on the board?
  • Use two hands, one on top of the other, to push down on the popper if you are having trouble popping it.
  • Work on visual discrimination, eye-hand coordination, spatial relations, manual dexterity, finger strength, grasp, logic, planning, socialization skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: Pop-o-matic board, 16 cone markers, 4 feet for bottom of the board, colored card to place under the board
Ages 5+, 2-4 players

If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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