
Aug 6, 2016

Lacing & Learning Opposites

Lacing & Learning opposite cards.

The cards were smaller than I expected, approximately 4 1/2" X 7", but it is still an interesting activity and a different take on lacing than I have seen before. Each card has five pair of opposites, one on the right side, one on the left side. The object is to lace between the two, instead of drawing a line like you would on paper. After you make one set, choose another picture and find its opposite, until all five pairs have been made.

The laces are plastic tipped, brightly colored and plenty long enough to do the job. Some of the pairs of opposites include:





  • pull - push
  • shallow - deep
  • few - many
  • tied - untied
  • day - night
  • happy - sad

The back of the cards tell you where to start and where to finish, and the pattern you will create, if you are going to work from top left to bottom left.  

Try this:

  • Take this natural opportunity to practice tying knots.
  • Allow the individual to start where he wants and end where he wants, making sure that he chooses one from each column to make a set.
  • Ask the individual not to turn the card over as he laces, instead feeling for the hole to lace through from the bottom or the lace tip as it is pushed through the top.
  • Correct the individual as he goes if he chooses an incorrect image, as you will end up with other mismatched images in the end if you don't.
  • Work on visual discrimination, figure ground, spatial relations, eye-hand coordination, sequencing, manual dexterity, pincer grasp, finger strength, in-hand manipulation, fine motor precision, palmar arch support/strength, separation of two side of hand, intrinsic muscle development, tool use, using both hands in a coordinated manner, motor planning, opposites, sustained attention, play exploration and participation

In the box: 8 cards totaling 40 pairs of opposites, 8 36" tipped laces
Ages 3+

If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

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