
Jul 27, 2016


Q-Bitz - Visual perceptual fun

The goal of Q-Bitz is to use the 16 cubes to recreate a pattern from a pattern card. Both the kids and I love this activity and I have used it a lot. 

The cubes are painted wood and measure 11/16" square. Each side of each cube is painted with either a solid color, a background color and a white circle, a white background and a colored circle or two colored triangles. There are 4 sets of cubes, each a different color (see image above). The cubes fit into a wooden tray. The sides of the trays are raised so the cubes won't slide off.

The 80 pattern cards are numbered. The patterns are a range of difficulties, they are not graded by number. There is not a grid printed on the pattern cards. Cards are printed in black and white, and the individual must be able to pick out each square from the background and substitute his color in place of the black. White spaces will stay white for everyone. Some players will not be able to separate out each cube from the design or keep track of where they are placing cubes. For those individuals I use a white piece of paper to cover all but the cube or line that we are working on.

The game calls for players to race to see who can be the first to recreate a puzzle. When playing in therapy I typically do not race, we just use the pattern cards and use the blocks to create the patterns.

When done with this version, advance to the more challenging Q-Bitz Extreme. If this edition is too difficult, start with Q-Bitz Jr. There is also an expansion pack to add more cards to your collection.     

Have the most cards at the end of the game. Set a predetermined number of cards before you start, such as the first person to win five cards wins the game.

Set up:
Give each person a tray and a set of 16 cubes. Mix the cards and put them in a face-down stack in the middle of the players.

Players all play at once. Turn over the top card and place it where all players can see it. All players work fast to be the first one to correctly complete the design on their own tray. The first one done gets the card. Play until someone has earned enough cards to win the game.

Try this:
  • Let the individual copy what you do as you place each cube in your tray if he is not able to read the card and separate the four cubes.
  • Make a design on one tray and let the individual use it as a pattern to make the same design if they cannot read the card.
  • Cup the hand(s), shake, and throw the cubes on the table. Once all available for the design are used, pick up the remaining cubes and shake again. Keep going until you use all the cubes.
  • If the player has made an error, ask him to compare his pattern, cube by cube, with the pattern card and see if he can identify and correct it independently before assisting.
  • If placing a cube in the puzzle for the individual, show him how to orient it and then take it out and turn it. Give it back to him to place.
  • Use the cubes without the trays and make a pattern with all the cubes such as AB or ABB. Start the pattern and let the individual finish it.
  • Demonstrate and then ask the individual to turn each cube in-hand if he is using the tabletop, his body, or two hands to do it. 
  • Place one cube at a time in the individual's palm and ask him to bring it to the fingertips and then orient it for placement.
  • Use the back side of unused cards or a white paper to cover all the black and white squares except for the one you are working on if the individual has difficulty mentally separating it. Once he improves, move to covering all but one line, then two lines, etc.
  • Focus on the white if the player has trouble translating the black to his color. For instance I will say the cube has a white circle, or it is white across the top and down the right side.
  • Work on visual discrimination, spatial relations, figure ground, visual closure, visual memory, visualization, in-hand manipulation, distal rotation, separation of two sides of hand, palmar arch development, manual dexterity, executive functioning skills, socialization skills,  process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation 
In the box: 80 pattern cards, 4 wooden trays, 4 sets of 16 cubes

If you are interested in buying this game or just want more information, click on the image below to go to

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