
Jul 27, 2016

Scrambling Squirrels

Scrambling Squirrels

Scrambling Squirrel is not being manufactured any more that I can tell, but if you ever stumble onto it, grab it. An unique visual motor integration activity that requires your complete attention and careful planning. 

The squirrel (red circle) wants to carry the nut (silver ball bearing) to the top of the tree and back down without dropping it into one of the holes. Starting with the squirrel at the bottom, pull the strings to follow the brown path up and over the tree. The right hand pulls the string right and the left hand pulls the sting left. Think before you pull or you may be starting over. The hands will each be doing something different and this can be quite challenging. We have enjoyed this!

Try this:
Work on spatial relations, coordinated use of both hands, motor planning, eye-hand coordination, visual tracking, executive functioning skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation 

In the box: Wooden board, back board, grooved stand, metal ball bearings

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