
Oct 9, 2016

Bug Balancing by Plan Toys

Bug Balancing

Bug Balancing is an all-wood balancing game which challenges you to place the ladybugs on the tree branches, one at a time, without causing any to fall. This will take a delicate touch and the ability to balance out different sized ladybugs on each branch, because the branches are attached with an elastic cord and can turn to the sides or dip down enough for bugs to slide off if there is too much weight. The tree branch surfaces are smooth and even the slightest bump can make multiple ladybugs slide and fall off.

The six colors on the over-sized die (red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple) match the color dots on the branches. There are three different size ladybugs and it is up to each player to decide which size to play on each turn.

Be the first to play all of your ladybugs.

Set up:
Divide the ladybugs randomly and evenly between all players.

Players take turns. Throw the die and note the color that comes up on top. Look for that color dot on the tree branches. When you find one, pay attention to how much weight is already on the branch before placing your bug. Place big bugs on branches with less or no weight and smaller bugs on branches that already have weight. Also, a big bug placed near the end of a branch might just slide off. After you place your bug, if nothing falls your turn is over. If bugs fall, you must take those bugs and add them to the bugs you will have to place. If there is no dot color to match your die color, you turn is over.

Try this:
  • Allow the player(s) to start by examining the tree and the bugs. Skip the die and just place the ladybugs on the leaves to get a feel for releasing and balancing them.
  • Sort the ladybugs into piles of small, medium, and large.
  • Skip the game. Mix the bugs on the table. One by one, name a size. Ask the player to recognize and place that size ladybug on the tree.
  • Put the ladybugs away by asking the individual to cup one or both hands and keep them in that position as you drop them in one by one.
  • Put the game away by picking up the ladybugs one by one and squirreling them into the palm. Throw them into the box by handfuls.
  • Play a game of placing the ladybugs on the tree without the use of the die. Place one bug in the players palm and ask him to push it to his fingertips to orient and place on the tree. Can he do so without dropping any? Do this over and over until you fill the tree with the bugs.
  • Place the bugs on the tree and then take turns taking them off one at a time with any falling or sliding off.
  • Work on visual discrimination, eye-hand coordination, spatial relations/position in space, manual dexterity, fine motor precision, balance, separation of two sides of hand, grasp, socialization skills, process skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation

In the box: 1 tree, 18 ladybugs, 1 die

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