
Oct 9, 2016

Zingo To Go

Zingo to Go! - A portable game of bingo.

Like the original Zingo, Zingo to Go! is a picture bingo game, but that is where the similarities end. Zingo to Go! is a portable, hand-held game without lots of loose pieces that makes this game easy to carry and play almost anywhere.

All pieces are made from hard plastic. There are nine traffic lights (plastic piece with one red, one green and one yellow circle). They snap together and you can push the colored circles with your finger and they turn. Each circle has a picture on one side and a solid color on the other side (see image above).

The plastic car is uber cute (excuse the pun), holds three dice and cannot be opened. Each side of each die shows one image and the images match the objects on the traffic lights. Shake the car and two dice will drop into the window at the bottom. The dice make a racket when those hard plastic dice are shaken in that hard plastic car.

Each player chooses three traffic lights and snaps them together. Make sure that all three pictures on each traffic light are turned to face the player. Place the car dice-shaker nearby.

Set up:
Each player chooses three traffic lights and snaps them together. Place the car dice-shaker nearby.

Players take turns. Shake the car and two dice will drop into the clear window at the bottom, revealing two objects. You can see the two yellow dice in the picture above. Check your traffic lights, and if you match either or both objects on the dice, use your fingers to turn the picture(s) so that the solid color is now on the front. The first person to get a traffic light with all solid colors showing is the winner.

Here are other Zingo games I have blogged about. Click on the name to read that particular post.
 Try this:
  • Snap the traffic lights together so that the same color will make a horizontal bingo, like they have done in the picture at the top. Beginners can watch for a horizontal bingo where all discs that are turned are the same color.
  • Start by assembling a card with the same colors across for a horizontal bingo and then watch for one specific color. If you are going for red, each time you shake the dice only turn a picture if it is on the red line. Watch only one line to practice spotting a win.
  • Play like regular bingo where a win in either horizontal, vertical or diagonal will win.
  • Start simple to explain the game by using one traffic light and shake the dice until all three circles are turned over. Then snap together two, then three, etc.
  • Work on spatial relations, visual discrimination, visual closure, figure ground, manual dexterity, finger isolation, eye-hand coordination, executive functioning skills, socialization skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation 
In the box: 9 snap-together traffic lights, plastic car with three dice inside, mesh carrying bag

If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

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