
Dec 4, 2016

Blind Spell

Blind Spell - Identify letters by touch

Blind Spell challenges you to identify letters and spell words by touch. To play Blind Spell, ask a player to put on the glasses to block his vision. Scatter letters in front of him on the table top. Write a word on the white board and then tell him the word. Ask him to feel the letters individually and find the letters and place them, in order, to spell the word. Start with only the letters required for the word and add in more letters when the player is ready for a more challenging game. 

The box says there are word lists but I bought it second-hand and did not get the word lists, so I can't describe them. However, it would be easy enough to choose your own words, use the player's spelling word list or go online and get a list of CVC words or whatever you are studying. The timer is not loud but you can hear it ticking.

Try this:
  • Forget about spelling, just have the individual feel a letter and identify it.
  • Look at a letter before putting on the glasses. Talk about the characteristics of the letter as you feel it. Ask the individual to put on the glasses. Put that letter in his hand and ask him to feel it and describe what he is feeling, like you just did with vision. Now put that letter and another letter on the table in front of the individual and ask the individual to feel the letters, without vision, and pick the one you studied.
  • Put three of four letters in front of the individual and ask him to make several words from them.
  • Ask the individual to put on the glasses. Place several letters in the sequence of a word in front of him. Ask him to feel each letter and determine the word.
  • Work on stereognosis, in-hand manipulation, bilateral integration, sensory processing, tactile perception, spatial relations, executive functioning skills,  process skills, socialization skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: 1 pair of plastic glasses, 1 timer, 42 cardboard letters, wipe off dry erase board, dry erase marker

If you are interested in purchasing this item or just want more information, click on the image below.

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