
Dec 2, 2016

Q-Bitz Jr.

Q-Bitz Jr. - A great place to start

I have long been a fan of the Q-Bitz visual perceptual puzzles and have already blogged about Q-Bitz and Q-Bitz Extreme. New this year from Mindware is Q-Bitz Jr. Q-Bitz Jr. is a much simplified version, or in other words, a great place for beginners to start.

The object of the game is to use your blocks to recreate the pattern on the pattern card. The first two Q-Bitz games have 16 blocks per tray. Q-Bitz Jr. has only four blocks per tray, so each pattern card uses only four cubes.

There are four sets of cubes and each set is a different color (blue, purple, gold, orange), so up to four people can play. To create the pattern, the individual must be able to look at the black and white card and see the white as white, but the black as their individual color (blue, purple, gold, or orange). The cubes are larger than the other Q-Bitz game cubes, but I still use them for in-hand manipulation for most.

The patterns are numbered in the bottom right hand corner and increase in difficulty as you go. Many beginners are not able to separate the four cubes mentally so I will start by covering up all but one cube at a time. Just cut out a white square the size of a pattern card and then cut out one block. After they can separate one, then we advance to two, on onward to all four.  

Here is an example of a more difficult pattern and how I cover them.

Have the most cards after 6 rounds.

Set up:
Give each player a tray and four cubes. Place the cards in a fac down stack on the table.

Turn over the top card. All players use their own cubes and, working simultaneously, create the pattern on their tray. The first person done yells Q-Bitz and wins the card. Everyone empties their tray, a new card is turned, and you go again. The first person to win 6 cards wins the game.

Try this:
  • Let the individual copy what you do as you place each cube in your tray if he is not able to read the card and separate the four cubes.
  • Make a design on one tray and let the individual use it as a pattern to make the same design (3D pattern to 3D pattern).
  • Cup the hand(s), shake, and throw the cubes on the table. Once all available for the design are used, pick up the remaining cubes and shake again. Keep going until you use all the cubes.
  • If the player has made an error, ask him to compare his pattern, cube by cube, with the pattern card and see if he can identify and correct it independently before assisting.
  • Use verbal directions if the individual is having difficulty orienting the cube. I will say something like the white triangle goes across the top and down the left side, or I will point it out if they don't know right/left.
  • If placing a cube in the puzzle for the individual, show him how to orient it and then take it out and turn it askew. Give it back to him to place.
  • Use the cubes without the trays and make a pattern with all the cubes such as AB or ABB. Start the pattern and let the individual finish it.
  • Demonstrate and then ask the individual to turn each cube in-hand if he is using the tabletop, his body, or two hands to do it. 
  • Place one cube at a time in the individual's palm and ask him to bring it to the fingertips and then orient it for placement.
  • Use the back side of unused cards or a white paper to cover all the black and white squares except for the one you are working on if the individual has difficulty mentally separating it. Once he improves, move to covering all but one line, then two lines, etc.
  • Focus on the white if the player has trouble translating the black to his color. For instance I will say the cube has a white circle, or it is white across the top and down the right side. 
  • Work on visual discrimination, spatial relations, figure ground, visual closure, visual memory, in-hand manipulation, separation of two sides of hand, palmar arch development, manual dexterity, executive functioning skills, socialization skills, process skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
  • In the box: 4 wooden trays, 16 wooden cubes (four for each tray), 60 pattern cards
If you are interested in purchasing this game or just want more information, click on the image below.

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