
Children learn through play. As an occupational therapist who works with children and youth, I use games and toys almost every day to help develop important cognitive, visual perceptual, motor, sensory, social, play and leisure skills. While many different types of activities can be used in therapy, this blog focuses on off-the-shelf games and toys that are accessible to most. Whether you are a therapist, parent, teacher, or a game lover like me, I hope you discover something useful while you are here. Learn a different way to play a game you already own or discover a new game for your next family game night. Either way, just go play. It's good for you!

The OT Magazine named The Playful Otter one of the Top 5 Pediatric OT Blogs.

May 18, 2020


Architecto - A logic, spatial puzzle in the Brain Builder Series

In the box: 18 solid plastic pieces, pattern book with 60 patterns
Ages 5+, 1 player

Architecto is one of six logic games from FoxMind. I only bought the book for this game since the 18 orange pieces are the exact same 18 pieces that are in four games in this series. I have blogged on all four games and will put links to the other games below.

Architecto builds models upright. You can see from the example in the book in the image above that shadowing will show where some individual pieces are, but not all. Some pieces will not even show at all, you will have to deduce where any missing pieces are from the shapes and sizes of the pieces around them. The 60 puzzles in this book will get more challenging as you go. All solutions are in the back of the book. The book is spiral bound and so conveniently lays flat. 

Four games in this series that I have blogged about are Equilibrio, Perspecto (old name is Cliko), Architecto and Tangramino, and they all use the same 18 pieces. Therefore if you have the pieces, you can just buy the books singly for the other games. Here is some information on each game:
  • Equilibrio - Build structures upright, some with challenging balance aspects such as the one above that is built on round blocks.
  • Perspecto - Build structures from a variety of perspectives (up to three views per puzzle). The old name for this game is Cliko. The Perspecto puzzle book is the exact same book as the Cliko book, just a new name.
  • Architecto - Build structures upright.
  • Tangramino - Build structures flat on the table.
You can buy each game with the book and the pieces as a set, or you can buy the books separately and one set of pieces separately. I also have the book for Cliko (which uses the same 18 blocks that I have in this Equilibrio set). Both books fit in the box and I just carry them together. I have primarily used this set with high-functioning teens as the later puzzles in the books can be quite challenging.

Try this:
  • Start by examining each piece and comparing it to the chart. Discuss how one piece can look different when looking at it from different perspectives.
  • Make a copy of the chart so that you can have it next to the puzzle for comparison if you need help as you build.
  • Solve a puzzle while the individual looks on. Talk out loud as you work, so they can learn the logic, problem solving process.
  • Models built on cylinders, as the example above, may be easier to construct on a rougher, flat surface, such as a piece of paper or cardboard, if a table top is too smooth and offers little friction.
  • Orient a puzzle piece and place it on the model if an individual gets stuck or cannot orient the piece correctly. Then pick it up, turn it askew, and hand it to the individual to orient. The individual may not be able to "see" the shape as it would look in a different orientation and a visual demonstration like that can help a great deal.
  • Use consistent directional and positional language as you cue.
  • Work on visual discrimination, visualization, spatial relations, visual closure, visual form constancy, eye-hand coordination, manual dexterity, in-hand manipulation, coordinated use of both hands, executive functioning skills, process skills, leisure exploration and participation

May 12, 2020


ThinkBlot - What can you spot in a blot?

ThinkBlot features images that resemble cards in a Rorschach Test. Relax, no one is going to psychoanalyze you, but we will get a peek into how you think. 

The main component of this game is the spiral-bound, easel-stand ThinkBlot book. The base of the book also has a score board with 35 spaces, from start to finish, for up to six players. Instead of one major blot, most of the pages include multiple smaller blots, like the picture below. I am actually using this as a distance game. I just take a picture of each page in the book, and put each picture on a PowerPoint slide. Then share the PP and play the game remotely. 

There are 75 inkblot pages in the book. The blots were made by putting ink on a page and then folding it in half, so there are mirror images on left and right. The blots are the same on front and back with the exception that on one side the blots are all black and on the other side some of the blots are printed in black and some of them are printed in gray. The ones printed in gray are identified (with names) as specific items and if you have seen the same item, you will get bonus points. Your job will be to look for images within these blots.

Images can be anything you can see or imagine in the blots, there are no right or wrong answers. You can use the whole blot as one image, only a portion of the blot in an image, and even images within the white spaces surrounding the blots. The directions are printed on the first few pages of the book so you will never lose them (unless you lose the book and then your troubles are bigger than just losing the directions).

The game comes with a 2 minute timer. The scoring pad is where you will write what you see in the blot(s) and can be replaced with just plain white paper when you run out of sheets on the pad. There is a 12 sided die that, when thrown, will determine which of these images you will be looking for on the blot:
  • Blot - Write down anything you see. There are 8 blot sides on the die and one each of the following:
    • Creature - Anything non-human that walks, crawls, slinks or swims, by land, by air, even in outer space if your mind takes you there.
    • Everyday people - In their flawed and perfect poses of parts. Find them dancing, driving, or dreaming, as long as they're human, they count for points.
    • Food - If you'd eat it on a date, at work or on the go, and it needn't be healthy or delicious.
    • Wearables - If you can wear it, cover yourself or accessorize with it, spot it within the blot.
You can see from the descriptions that they are encouraging you to be creative, funny, outrageous, where ever your mind takes you. But be ready to also be persuasive, as you might have to convince the others that what you see is really there.

This is the kind of game where you will work your way through the book of 75 pages and then be done. If you go through again you will most likely remember many of the images and the bonus images, giving you quite an edge. 
Be the first person to go to the end of the scoreboard and back. 

Set up:
Stand the easel board and flip the front around to the back. Set the timer and die next to the board. Give each player paper and pencil. Choose a path color on the score board and place a peg in the start space. Remember your path color.

Throw the die. Flip to a ThinkBlot page and turn the timer over. All players look at the blot and write down as many things as they can see. The more your write, the further ahead you will move on the scoreboard.

When the timer runs out the round is over. Go around the group clockwise and each person read one thing from their list. If someone can't "see" something you saw, all players vote as to whether you can keep that answer. Keep going around until all answers have been revealed. Once that is done, turn the page over and look at the gray side. If you identified any objects the same way as the game makers did, you get an extra point. Here is how you score:
  • 2 points - Each unique answer (only you wrote it)
  • 1 point - Two or more players had the same or a similar answer
  • 1 point - For each item you listed that was also listed on the gray page. There are no bonus images or bonus points for category rolls of the dice.
Add your score and move that many holes forward on the pegboard. First person to reach 35 wins the game.

Try this:
  • Skip the game (you knew I'd say that) and just play with the ThinkBlot board. Don't bother to write things down, just describe things you see and point them out. Good chance to work on visual closure.
  • Work on visual discrimination, figure ground, visual form constancy, visual closure, visualization, manual dexterity, creativity, writing, socialization skills, process skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box:1 spiral bound book with 75 inkblot pages, 1 timer, 1 clip to easel set-up, 1 12 sided die, 1 pad of ThinkBlot scoring paper, 6 blot pegs, 6 pencils

Adult, 2 to 6 players

If you are interested in purchasing this or just want more information, click on the image below.